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Moving Brands Moving Brands

Profiling for Team Intimacy

Many of us have experience or awareness of psychometric testing and what it seeks to achieve. My first ‘psychometric’ experience in the 1980’s was without doubt rudimentary. This short story is about a very different experience in 1992 driven by a visionary Personnel Director in a British Telecom subsidiary…..yes BT…. a long, long time ago!

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Moving Brands Moving Brands

Tuning your brain – consider natural ‘wiring’ when building teams!

David Eagleman is one of my favourite neuroscientists. This is because he makes his discipline not just fascinating but eminently accessible.

In the following two-minute video he outlines why, as babies, we remain helpless and dependent longer than the young of any other species on the planet. The way in which our brains develop from this stage has huge significance as to how and where we will find our best fit – in life and in organisations.

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